Ændringer i ledelsen af vores Engelske Moderklub

Boardmeetings i vores Engelske moderklub

Vi har modtaget følgende fra RREC :

To: Section Committees, Registrars, Business Development Manager (BG), Publication Development Manager (JR), Annual Rally Chairman (TB), Archive Manager (CG), Seminar Chief Instructor (SL), Website Project Manager (SH), Special Advisor for PR & Events (DF)  and Club Officers at large

Cc: SHRMF Chairman (JP) and Deputy Chairman (CG), RREC Board 

Dear colleagues, enthusiasts and friends, (none of them mutually exclusive !)

1/ I would like to inform you of the following changes to the Board:

Steve Lovatt has resigned as technical director and Martin Carnell has taken over his responsibilities on Board level. Both on behalf of the Board and personally, I would like to thank Steve for the valuable work that he has been doing over the years for the RREC and the members, particularly with respect to the Seminars. For now the Club Seminar programme remains as announced.

On Monday 28.11.2016, the Board has decided to appoint Jim Myson as the new Marketing Director, thus ensuring continuation whilst Gerwald prepares for leaving us in a few months’ time by virtue of years served. On behalf of the Board, I extend a warm welcome to Jim, who has never been that far away – many ideas and eager to get involved and things done.

2/ The website project has been entrusted to Steve Hubbard. As sometimes happens with IT projects, it got stalled for a number of reasons and because of personal circumstances, Gerwald has decided to hand it over. In order to give it every chance of success and to be able to reflect the many offers of feedback and advice received to date, it has been agreed with Steve that he will start from a blank sheet of paper. A clear Project Description will be produced, all stakeholders will be invited to comment, resulting in an agreed Requirements Specification for quotations so that there can be no discussion about what the chosen supplier has quoted for and will be set to deliver.  

3/ As was originally announced, the job for General Manager is now being advertised. Any applicants for the job are invited to contact Ian Hick (i3a2n@talktalk.net ) for a full Job Specification. The Board is very grateful to Barry for having accepted to take on the ‘top job’ at short notice, both with the intention to have a rapid solution in place and with the view to have a fresh view of what is needed to make THH run smoothly and efficiently. Barry has recently submitted his report to this effect, explaining why the position is being advertised only now. Pending the recruitment of the new General Manager, Barry will continue as Business Development Manager. Again, thanks are due for the flexibility this implies and especially also for the pragmatic management style that Barry has been exercising over the past months.       

4/ In the meantime, we have also started looking for a part-time bookkeeper to alleviate some of the “top job’s” current duties – for the RREC is in every inch true to the engineering ethos of Sir Henry Royce, at times rather “complicated” or shall we say sophisticated ?

5/ The Hunt House Team. Lucy Walsh (Club Shop Manager) has left us in pursuit of a new career path and has been replaced by Vicky Bland who has taken the job to heart in record time. Vicky is in fact Sharron’s daughter – she came to the rescue of her mother (as an unpaid volunteer) when the latter was hired as Archives’ Assistant and Vicky proved rather too efficient for her own good, so when Lucy announced her departure, the BDM didn’t have to look very far. Both Vicky and Sharron got recently complemented by another new member of staff, Amii Errington, the newly appointed Hunt House Archivist, a jointly funded position by both the RREC and the SHRMF. It was high time to have a dedicated specialist to bring order in what’s primarily referenced in the heads of an (unfortunately dying) breed of Club Stalwarts such as Philip Hall – whose undiminished energy is fortunately still there. Rest assured that both Ailsa (Events) and Lisa (Membership) are still around whereas Linda will now greet you from her custom made new reception area, far better than any CCTV and more welcoming too (it is four kisses in Scotland, don’t forget !!).             

6/ Finally a few requests. Now would be a good time to consider whether you might want to stand for election to join the RREC Board at the 2017 AGM. In total there will be 7 vacancies. Although 5 directors plus the recently co-opted director will offer themselves for re-election, it will be down to the members’ votes whether they will remain in office or whether somebody entirely new will take their respective positions. If you are willing to invest some time and effort in the running of your Club, don’t be shy and come forward, please.      

In this context I would also like to issue another appeal for any Club member having some expertise in the legal area. The idea is to build up a portfolio of legal specialists we can call upon should the need arise. With a bit of luck, you might never be needed !       

7/ Last but not least, I promised several months ago an update with respect to the Board’s plans for the next year and a half, you will have them shortly.     

Thanks for your continued support !

Kind regards,



Johan Vanden Bergh | Chairman

RREC | The International Club for Rolls-Royce and Bentley Enthusiasts

Mobile: +32 (0) 475 717999 | Email: jvb@edpnet.be | http://www.rrec.org.uk/